Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Kiana's Laughter

Kiana has been laughing for over a month now for us. It's so cute and she laughs at the silliest of things. check out this video clip of her laughing at daddy.

Pretty in Pink!

Pink is Kiana's favorite color right now. At least it is until she can tell her mommy otherwise. She's 4 months old now and drooling a lot. I think that means her teeth are coming in soon. She loves her big brother Christopher so much. She's fascinated just watching him. We are totally enjoying having our little angel in our family.

Amadors in the New Year!

We had a great time at our New Year's party. We had about 45 or so friends and family together with us and had a great time playing games, karaoke, dancing, eating and just talking.

Happy New Year!

Kiana's first New Year's party. She was dressed to the nines, had her party hat and maraca and actually stayed up till midnight. It was a great celebration to have her in our family.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Leesa & Christopher

On our trip to the mall to see Santa.

Kiana & Karah

We went to the mall for pictures with Santa. We met up with Karah, Leesa, Alizeh & Malachi so the kids could all get their picture taken together.